Saturday, December 01, 2007

Bumping up 2007-8/#4

Volunteers today were Sarah, Nanci, John, Paul and David. We bumped up 106% of plant goal, a total of 1,170 restoration plants. These container plants are put in potting soil from Tree of Life Nursery, have slow release Scotts Ocmocote fertilizer added, and are mycorrhizae inoculated. The Nursery is filled with plants for park restoration. See slideshow for more pictures. (Click any pic to enlarge)
The Dec 8 work day was cancelled. How come? Two species have taken longer to mature, and once we bump them up, we're essentially done: Monkey Flower, Mimulus aurantiacus, and Spiny Rush, Juncus acutus. Not included in the restoration count are the 350+ "other" plants we've done.
This may be our most bountiful year, but is unquestionably the record time: 3 months. The work days have been fun and "work" I look forward to. I am reminded that I work best with competent people.

I’m waiting for the frost cloth to get here (long story), as the temperatures in Aliso Viejo are in the 40’s, which means the Nursery is in the 30’s.

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