Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bumping up 2007-8/#3

Sarah, David, Paul and John volunteered. This is our 3rd work day to bump up seedlings from flats, and our day's work brought our total of restoration plants to 846, or 77% of our 1,100 goal. Very good progress.
Our potting rate is about 38 pots/hour/person, or 2 flats/hour/person. We are only 254 plants short of our goal. At this rate, we should hit our goal in as little as 1 more work day. But most likely it will be 2-3 work days, as I'd like to have more plants than promised.... "just in case". We just can’t stop at the Restoration plants. We’ll have a few hundred of trial and “just because” plants. Click below to see G-rated video.

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