Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tree Structure Completed

With the help of Peter, John and Francisco from February to May 2008, we were able to complete the new tree structure at the Nursery. Last year we successfully tested that tree/shrub plants fare fine over summer in 5 gallon pots with little attention. Add to the suggestion from Master Gardener program to use motorized auger for tree holes, which was recently purchased. And finally a need by park Ranger Barbara for these type plants. This all now comes together with a need, a planting method and a low-maintenance care while during the summer. The structure can keep an inventory of about 130 tree/shrubs. The Park staff added crushed rock to structure and path. Then they added mulch on entrance paths. Very nice. All that’s left is to purchase Nursery carts to get trees to parking areas. See slide show. (Click any pic to enlarge)