Nanci poses with Nix Center grass seedlings. Note the size of the stand of white sage! Many other changes you might note: 3 new benches and new signage. I capped the screened top of the rain collection cistern, as weather is forecasted to get hot. Last year lost 25+ gallons to evaporation. (Click any pic to enlarge)
Ranger Barbara arranged for Trish Smith from The Nature Conservancy to come along to help articulate restoration site. Anthony’s Restoration Learning Cluster from Soka University also came along. We did soil samplings, invasive and native plant inventory, site description and talk on site challenges. See slide show for more pics and details on the grass plants for the Nix Center. (Click any pic to enlarge)
Soka University’s Restoration Class doing a work day at Nursery. Anthony Mazeroll’s class pumped out 1,944 2 ½ pots of purple needlegrass, Nassella pulchra, for the Nix Nature Center. This completes the goal of a total of 2,000. Hard working group. We also did field trip up to one of the naturally occurring grass area’s. See slideshow for more pictures. (Click any pic to enlarge)