Ranger Barbara, Kimberly and Winter jointly collected acorns: Coast Live Oak, Quercus agrifolia, and Scrub Oak, Quercus berberidifolia. Tom and David cleaned acorns, and placed them in polyethylene bags with moistened medium, germination mix. The bags, slightly open, were placed in dark container…. “stratification”. Once the acorns produce a tap root, in 4-6 weeks, we’ll put them in 4” tall pots. We’ll have to cage these pots after the first leaves show as rats will gnaw off the stalks.
Robert, David and Tom back from seed collecting CA Everlasting, Gnaphalium californicum (?), to be used for restoration seed mix. Seed collection is for both restoration by seed and for container plants. We’ll be starting seed flats at the end of September: 30th. Reviewed seed collecting by educational groups with Kimberly.